Laura Resnick 's Books
A very well recieved series by Laura Resnick are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Purifying Fire p-2, Disappearing Nightly, Doppelgangster, In Legend Born, The Destroyer Goddess, The Purifying Fire: A Planeswalker Novel, Vamparazzi, A Wilder Name, Abracadaver (Esther Diamond Novel), Polterheist: An Esther Diamond Novel, The Misfortune Cookie ed-6, Fever Dreams, The White Dragon, Dopplegangster, Unsympathetic Magic, which was published in 2022.
The Purifying Fire p-2
Disappearing Nightly
In Legend Born
The Destroyer Goddess
The Purifying Fire: A Planeswalker Novel
A Wilder Name
Abracadaver (Esther Diamond Novel)
Polterheist: An Esther Diamond Novel
The Misfortune Cookie ed-6
Fever Dreams
The White Dragon
Unsympathetic Magic